How To Take Care Of Your Solar Panel?


Installing solar panels on your home effectively lowers your home's carbon impact while saving money on your energy bill. 

The best part? While solar panels are not inexpensive, they can last for 25-30 years, giving you plenty of time to recoup your investment.

So you have a tesla solar roof installation or solar panels on your home that generates clean, low-cost electricity for your house. 

How do you preserve your solar panels to continue producing energy at peak efficiency?

Solar panel cleaning tips

  • Get the cleaning kit

Solar panel cleaning kits are quite useful for cleaning solar panels. 

A biodegradable soap, a wiper, and a tiny brush or brush with a larger handle are included in the set. It also contains instructions for use.

In the bucket, combine the soap and water. Dip the brush into the bucket and begin cleaning the solar panels carefully. To clean any filth or debris that has accumulated on the panels, use simple water or a soft brush.
  • Clean while panels are wet

When solar panels are damp, any dirt or residue that has accumulated on them may be readily wiped away.

Moreover, you risk scratching the glass if you use an abrasive sponge or soap to clean your solar panels. A soft cloth is the finest technique to clean solar panels.
  • Cleaning frequency

Depending on the sort of panel you have on your residential roofing, you may need to clean it weekly or monthly. However, your solar panel manufacturer should be able to guide you.

Solar panel maintenance tips

  • Check rack and roof penetrations

Racking guarantees that your solar panel system is properly mounted on the roof. The bolt penetrations support the weight of your solar panels while also ensuring structural integrity. 

These systems are thoroughly tested to ensure their longevity and quality. If you find any leaks, call your installer to have them repaired.

Also Read : 8 Roofing Red Flags You Should Not Overlook

  • Keep your panels out of the shade

Shade restricts solar energy from reaching the panels of your residential roofing, perhaps causing your panels to underperform their intended output rates. Trees should be cut back to allow more direct sunlight to reach the panels.
  • Inspect after severe weather conditions

A severe tornado, storm, or hurricane might cause shattered panels. Broken glass will definitely degrade the performance of your solar panel installation. 

However, you can readily detect system faults by inspecting the visual look of the panels or monitoring their function via online monitoring.

  • Keeping an eye on energy consumption

Installing an energy monitor is the most straightforward approach to ensure that your entire system operates efficiently. 

These monitoring devices often feed data to a website or a smartphone app. You can view the overall output of each solar panel. This is useful for identifying "dead" panels that are not providing energy.


Tesla solar roof installation or solar panels are always an excellent alternative because it produces clean power, reduces your electricity bill, and, in most cases, does not cost you anything to maintain. 

So, using these cleaning and maintenance techniques can help your solar system last longer and run more efficiently.


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